Monday, January 19, 2009

I read an article from The Chicago Tribune about Joe Biden having a choice of wether to be vice president or secretary of state. He was on Oprah today and his wife was the one to tell about it. She said something about how if he was secretary of state he would be away from home a lot so they decided it would be better for their family if he took the offer to be vice president. If I was old enough to vote, I would have voted for an Obama Biden ticket, however i wonder if Joe Biden's wife really felt that being vice president would be better for her family or it just had better perks. Either way as of tomorrow Barack Obama will be the 44th President of the United States and Joe Biden will be Vice President. yay:)


  1. you know they were mocking this on all radio stations and on tv about him and his wife were on oprah and how she was the one that did all the talking ha ha i think its funny because most people in those big spots just do it for the perks not all but in my eyes most do

  2. Hmmm.. That is a good question about whether its better for the family or just better perks. Maybe the perks made it better for the family as well, though. I think that would be a tough decision either way. But as it stands he is the vice so we will see where it goes from here.

  3. Kristen -- K, my comment is in the 'old news' category, but here's my take on her comment anyway: the very fact that his wife would MAKE a comment like that in a very public venue is EXACTLY the reason why joe biden would have been a lousy secretary of state -- he and his wife BOTH have lapses of the language through their mouths! Remember joe biden's comment and especially Pres. Obama's pained facial expression when biden INAPPROPRIATELY made reference to the fact that the supreme court justice roberts fluffed the oath of office??
    wow. Mrs. Biden's comment made Hillary Clinton appear to be a second choice, and it was INAPPROPRIATE/INDISCREET AS HELL, in my opinion.
