Wednesday, February 4, 2009

week 4

i read an article from "Time Magazine" about Pakistan denying they had anything to do with the terrorist attacks in Mumbai. I think they did have something to do with the attacks, and it doesn't help that the only surviving gunman, Qasab, is from Pakistan. there is video of Qasab's interogation, but the Pakistan government is saying that it isn't really Qasab in those tapes, it's someone wearing a mask of his face. also a t.v. person was fired after saying Pakistan may have known something about the attacks. i think Pakistan needs to quit playing games and admit what they've done.

1 comment:

  1. one hundred and twenty thousand percent i agree with you but do you really think they are going to admit to be involved with anything like that? probably not ugh that terroist crap pisses me off! especially since 9/11 i cant tolerate they just need to hang them all !
