Thursday, March 5, 2009

week 8

i read an article in "time" magazine titled "job forecast for college seniors: grimmer than ever" and thought it was kind of sad. it talked about how because of the economy, the demand for accounting and engeneering majors has gone way down. i feel really bad for those students because we are always told that in order to get good jobs and make good money you have to go to college, but for the mean time these students are really going to struggle with finding a job in their major, and paying there bills especially those student loans that are going to start kicking in in a few short months.


  1. Kristen -- Doesn't this article sort of make the case for 'following your passion' so you don't have to be kicked around by the vagaries of the marketplace, and a person can find joy in what they do to earn a living
    But I do agree that, in the interim -- people shifting their thinking, I mean -- those college loans are there waiting for us all.

  2. That is really sad. We are going through hard times right now as a nation and I hope we can turn them around.
